This Post Was Written By AI

Strap in, as developments in AI, Machine Learning and automation have come thick and fast over the last two years, and really exploded over the last six months. This post is a demonstration of a couple of (free or trial version) tools that showcase capabilities in AI that will doubtless have an impact on the high school graduates of the very near future. The “jobs that don’t exist yet” of ten years ago – but that exist now – will be impacted quickly. Developments in science, technology, medicine and sustainability are already changing the way we can solve problems.

This post took under 30mins to go from idea to published output. The drafting of the text took under 5mins in each platform, and most of the work was pulling in some tweets and adding links and images. It would take extra work to add links, sources, depth and citations but it lifts the creator from the blank page in moments. These are early days for the tech, yet it can generate useful multiple drafts and iterations in just a couple of minutes. Imagine what it would be like in a few years…

Screenshots at the end of the post. I found PlaygroundAI through Suhail’s tweets, and the other tools from this thread by Daniel Eckler.

Updates – the services in this post are all accessible with a Google account and don’t need mobile number or other installs. I’ve made a LibGuide with all the resources here, including a page on ethical considerations and some accessible AI & ML courses. I used PlayGroundAI for all the images (which includes Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2); you can also try DreamStudio for StableDiffusion (thanks Dalton).

Can you guess the prompts used to generate these images?

Example Post with WriteSonic AI Article Writer 3.0

Text Prompt: Impacts of AI on the jobs of the future

Using: Writesonic AI Article Writer 3.0. This example started with my topic and keywords, from which it generated example headlines, section headings and then written content. I made minor adjustments along the way, and with Grammarly built in, took no time to tweak to this content.


The Future of Jobs: Implications for Employment and Economic Security

The rapid pace of technological change over the last decade has led many to wonder what the future may hold for jobs and the economy. Some have predicted that widespread automation will lead to massive job loss and a prolonged period of economic weakness. Others have been more optimistic, suggesting that new technologies will actually create new types of jobs and spur a boom in related industries.

What are the current trends in employment?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment levels have been growing steadily since 2011 and are currently near record highs. However, there have been some notable changes in the types of jobs being created. For example, the BLS estimates that employment in the manufacturing sector fell by 3.8 million (about one-third) between 2000 and 2018. This decline reflects a shift in the structure of the US economy toward services, which now accounts for 80% of all jobs. Overall, employment changes have been modest, and there is no sign that automation is replacing workers at a significant pace.

How many jobs will be lost to automation?

Estimates vary widely, but most researchers believe that a significant number of jobs will be lost. McKinsey Global Institute estimates that about 40% of tasks will be automated by 2055, with about 60% of those occurring in the manufacturing sector and the rest in other industries. This level of automation is comparable to the rate of change observed in the past, but it is happening faster because the cost of automating is declining. Still, these changes will not lead to an overall reduction in employment because new industries and jobs will also emerge. It is unclear, however, whether the economy will be able to create enough new jobs to make up for those lost to automation.

Which occupations are most at risk?

Automation has the potential to disrupt many occupations, but some industries and occupations are more at risk than others. One study on automation risk in the US economy focused on the probability of automation in a large sample of occupations. Occupations with a high probability of automation include agricultural workers, mining machine operators, sewing machine operators, and many types of food service workers.

Which occupations will see the most growth?

Many of the occupations that will benefit most from automation are in health care, education, and software development. The healthcare sector will grow significantly due to an ageing population, technological developments, and rising demand for preventive care. Advances in technology will allow the education sector to expand, especially online education. This will allow more people to learn at their own pace and from a distance.

How can we prepare for these changes?

The best way to prepare for these changes is to invest in people. This includes expanding educational opportunities, developing new training programs, and providing adults with the skills they need to succeed in the workplace. It is important to note that not everyone will be affected by automation in the same way. Workers who are creative and have social skills are less likely to be replaced by robots. Those who have the right mix of skills and are flexible enough to use them in new ways can also thrive in a rapidly changing economy.

What skills should high school graduates of 2025 master to be competitive in an AI future?

While it is impossible to predict exactly what skills will be needed, our research shows that graduates who are creative and have strong communication skills will be well prepared to tackle whatever comes next. In addition, it is critical for workers to keep learning throughout their careers, as new technologies and industries emerge. This will allow them to stay relevant in the changing economy and continue to earn a living.


Example Paragraph from PepperTypeAI

Prompt: Preparing today’s high school graduates for the AI future. (PeppertypeAI)

“It can be tough to predict the future, especially when it comes to the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, there are some things that today’s high school graduates can do to prepare themselves for a world where AI is developing quickly. They should focus on developing skills like creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, and researching opportunities in fields like data science and machine learning. With these skills and knowledge, they’ll be well-equipped to take advantage of the opportunities that AI presents.”

Peppertype, like WriteSonic, has loads of content-type generators. This one also has options for tone, call to action and more.

Example Post with CopyAI

Tool: CopyAI Prompt: Preparing Today’s High School Graduates for an AI Future. This has similar tools as WriteSonic and Peppertype, with tone and talking point options.

Preparing Today’s High School Graduates for an AI Future


As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, more and more jobs are being impacted by automation. New research suggests AI will affect some industries much more than others, but all industries will see some impact. High school and university students need to be given the skills needed for new job requirements and training for current jobs will also be necessary as certain jobs become more automated. This means teaching young people how to collaborate with robots and other technologies, rather than competing with them. Coding languages are essential to learn as they can help students develop app functionalities, helping them be adept in the technology era.”

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, more and more jobs are being impacted by automation. New research suggests AI will affect some industries much more than others, but all industries will see some impact.

You may be wondering: What will the future hold? Will my job be affected by AI?

The short answer is yes. More and more jobs are being impacted by automation, as AI continues to evolve and change the way we live our lives. In fact, a recent study suggests nearly half of all jobs could be at risk of being automated within the next 10 years (including yours).

You should prepare yourself for this inevitable shift in how society operates by understanding what types of occupations are most likely to face disruption from artificial intelligence technologies like machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL), which allow computers to learn on their own rather than being programmed with specific tasks beforehand. You should also understand how these changes might affect your own career plans moving forward—and whether your education will help you stay relevant as new opportunities arise over time

High school and university students need to be given the skills needed for new job requirements and training for current jobs will also be necessary as certain jobs become more automated. This means teaching young people how to collaborate with robots and other technologies, rather than competing with them.

When universities and high schools are preparing students for an AI future, they need to be taught about the new job requirements and training for current jobs will also be necessary as certain jobs become more automated. This means teaching young people how to collaborate with robots and other technologies, rather than competing with them.

In our current society, we have come up with a number of solutions that can help us deal with this problem:

  • We could use artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily lives by using it for personal tasks like scheduling appointments or writing emails
  • We could create an AI company that does some of this work for us
  • We could develop technology that allows humans and robots to work together

Coding languages are essential to learn as they can help students develop app functionalities, helping them be adept in the technology era. There are a variety of websites available with free coding tutorials rounded up by age group, so there’s no excuse not to learn this skill that could give you an edge in your future career.

Coding is a valuable skill that can be learned at any age. There are many free resources available for learning coding, and it’s important to take advantage of them as soon as possible. Learning to code will help you develop app functionalities, helping you be adept in the technology era.

In today’s society, coding has become a necessity for many jobs such as software development or data analysis fields. If you haven’t yet discovered how useful this skill could be when it comes time for college applications or job interviews (and beyond), now might be a good time!

In addition to coding abilities, high school graduates need to have stronger presentation skills as well as the ability to think critically and creatively when it comes to solving problems.

In addition to coding abilities, high school graduates need to have stronger presentation skills as well as the ability to think critically and creatively when it comes to solving problems.

In today’s world, where technology is constantly changing and evolving, it is critical that students are able to communicate their ideas effectively in a way that will be understood by adults. Presentation skills can be developed through practice; however creative thinking is another skill that can be developed through practice as well. Both creativity and critical thinking require specific methods of learning which include: reading books; listening carefully while others speak; taking notes while listening or reading; asking questions when you don’t understand something someone has said/written down on paper (this may include questions like “why?” or “what if?”); drawing pictures with words written next too them so you get more information out of what someone says by visualizing how everything works together instead just hearing them talk about one thing at once without seeing anything else going on around them besides themselves talking about their own personal experiences but these experiences only apply within this particular situation therefore making sense only within context such as being able

to understand why something happened before doing anything else because then later after seeing results from doing certain actions we might say ‘gosh these things worked!’ But then again maybe not because maybe there isn’t enough evidence available yet.”

High school graduates are not getting adequate training for the future workforce which is going to be affected by AI.

High school graduates are not getting adequate training for the future workforce which is going to be affected by AI. The technology will require workers who can creatively think critically and collaborate with robots, software agents, etc., in order to solve problems.

In order to prepare students for this future, it’s important that they learn how to work together with other people toward a common goal: solving problems using new technologies like AI.


It is clear that the future of work will be impacted by artificial intelligence and new technologies. High school graduates need to prepare themselves for this change, so they can be ready when these jobs become automated. Coding languages are essential to learn as they can help students develop app functionalities, helping them be adept in the technology era. There are a variety of websites available with free coding tutorials rounded up by age group, so there’s no excuse not to learn this skill that could give you an edge in your future career


Is AI Coming for Creative Work?

The tweet thread below shows some very quick examples of concept images created in Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2 using the (currently free) platform. Click to see the whole thread; I’ll keep adding examples. You can see my Playground gallery (and copy the prompts) here.

A Deeper Dive Into Implications

You should definitely read this post – especially if you are a TOK, ethics, or digital media teacher.


Listen: The DeepMind Podcast:

This fantastic podcast series by Professor Hannah Fry dives deep into the world of AI research at DeepMind in London, unpacking the history, development and applications of ML, DL and AI research.

Embedded below – one of my favourite episodes about AlphaFold, the project to solve the riddles of human proteome. Incredible developments and potential future applications in health and medicine:

Read: AI 2041 by Kai-Fu Lee

For a (mostly optimistic) and fantastically-researched view on the world in 2041, check out Kai-Fu Lee‘s collaboration with Chinese sci-fi heavyweight Chen Qiufan. Ten short stories, ten regions, ten areas of development, all set in 2041. Extrapolating current tech to future implications in the style of Black Mirror, with explainers after each chapter.

In this interview from the Computer History Museum, Kai-Fu Lee talks about the world outlined in AI2041, and includes a question posted by me (at about 1h4min).

Kai-Fu Lee’s predictions for the next 20 years, (Chinese with English subtitles):

Can you guess the prompts I used to create these images?



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6 responses to “This Post Was Written By AI”

  1. ustad Avatar

    this website for education provides free material like mcqs notes and lecture tutorials and many more

  2. This Post Was Also Written By AI | Wayfinder Learning Lab Avatar

    […] it wasn’t entirely, but some it was. In the two months since my last post on this topic, the AI-powered world has gone WILD. Large Language Model (LLM’s) like GPT3 are freely […]

  3. A.I Writingp Plus Avatar

    really very informative about this post ,OpenAi is better than Google bard

  4. Create, Curate, Wait, Innovate – Wayfinder Learning Lab – Stephen Taylor Avatar

    […] in our schools today. I got into some reading, some exploration and experimentation (including early GPT-2 writing and basic image generation), and consideration of broader AI topics, but it was a niche interest and not something that drew a […]

  5. Karim Avatar

    Impressive efficiency! It’s fascinating to see how technology streamlines content creation processes, from ideation to publication. While the current capabilities are already remarkable, envisioning the future potential is truly exciting. As tools evolve, imagine the possibilities for generating even more polished, well-researched drafts in mere minutes. This glimpse into the early stages of such technology hints at a future where content creation becomes even more effortless and dynamic.

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