
For a full breakdown of my conference/workshop presentations, posts and articles, visit the About page. I regularly give in-house sessions for teachers and parents. Here are a few recent sessions presented at events: 

Factfulness, Global Ignorance and Data-Informed Inquiry

ACAMIS Tech conference 2018 (short session) and Learning2 Conference 2019 (extended workshop). All resources are here. As international educators we need to see our biases and misconceptions about the world clearly. We can make use of a wide range of amazing recent, reliable data visualisation tools to generate inquiries that are sophisticated and globally-informed.

The Buoyant Force of Continuum Learning

Learning2 Conference 2019 (L2Talk) and the Future of Education Now 2019 (workshop). Resources and video are here. Are we ready for the learners who are coming to us? As learning environments change, the experience and skills of young learners on their way up through the continuum necessitates a considered look at tensions in transitions.

The IMaGE of an International School

Based on my MA dissertation, I presented this session at the University of Bath’s Department of Educations’ 50th Anniversary celebration conference. How might we use a visual definition of international mindedness & global engagement (IMaGE), to show the unique ‘character’ of a school? It was quite the experience to have researchers cited in the work as audience members…


Hack the MYP

hackthemypMarch 21017, IB Global Conference, Japan

Presented as a “hackathon” for MYP Coordinators and educators to fix some perceived problems in the programme, this was the nexus of my “make it easier to do better things” philosophy.


MYP: Mind the Gap

March 2013, IBAP Regional Conference, Malaysia

MYP Mind the Gap
Click for resources

In this 2013 session I set up a series of provocations around the (flawed) premise that the MYP does not prepare students well for the IBDP. Using the domains of teaching & learning, curriculum & assessment, and leadership & development, we explored some common complaints and misconceptions, and how they can be remedied with reference to strong programme implementation.

Hattie’s original visible learning impacts were used to highlight some of the strongest practices that transcend programme. In an updated presentation, I would shift the focus a little more to the ATL skills framework, conversations around “what works in learning” are still going on. This session was very well received and generated lively discussion and collaboration in a room of over 100 participants. Click here for the presentation materials.

To me, this was an opportunity to address what I was observing as the beginnings of a deepening divide between progressive and traditional educators, who could not see the overlaps in beliefs were much stronger than their perceived differences. It connects to my definition of inquiry work that forms the basis of other workshops and writing


Ready, Steady, Flow

Feb. 2015 & 2016, GAFE Summit, Japan

As a teacher session for the Google Apps for Education Summit, I presented this short workshop on workflow and high-impact strategies to maximise teacher time, give strong feedback and make the best use of tech… so that we can get out from behind the computer. The central premise is that our choices as teacher matter and have a huge impact on student learning; we invest our time where it matter most. Click here for more details and the presentation resources.


Curriculum Spark: MYP The Next Chapter

ATLAS Rubicon, online, March 2014

After doing a lot of work with our ATLAS template for curriculum in light of MYP:NC changes, I presented this webinar on a journey from ‘doing ATLAS’ to discussing curriculum. Click for slides and an overview.